November 8, 2011

Full Grown Children

Life gives everyone several opportunities to learn, thus presenting them with the chance to become wiser; but fools seem to miss each time life presents them with such favorable circumstances.  As if on purpose, they seem to fail time and time again and never learn anything from their mistakes nor their successes.  Fools tend to go through life existing, but not living; and growing older, but not wiser.  It's unfortunate that there are several old fools, who can indistinguishably be as wise as a very young children.  While there are arguably many issues with these types of people, the most capricious characteristic they display is ignorance.  They fail to understand that wisdom is a composition of growth and knowledge.  As a result, they never tap into the place inside themselves where all that which has been learned resides, and knowledge starts to mature into wisdom.  Believing that the parallelism of age and wisdom exist is not being optimistic, it's being unaware of the truth that the two are very separate entities.

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