May 31, 2012

Happily Sad :-)-:

A thing only exist in the place where it's opposite subsides.  Therefore, nothing in life can prevail without the other different, yet paralleling presence of it's reversed and paradoxical counterpart.  An example of this truth is the ability to understand joy as a direct knowing of pain.  Now this does not discount the ability to discern, but it does suggest that one can never fully understand a thing without having lived in a place of it's opposite.

April 10, 2012


Today jealously tossed it's angry hand toward my face and slapped the taste out of my mouth.  I lifted my head, spat out the blood, and iced my swelling lips. 
-Jay Wall-

It's funny how the smallest words can trigger such furious emotions to hit you.  "My great great great grandfather" were those words for me today.  They struck me so deeply because I, a very young woman, could only count one "great" back, and the words were being spoken by an older woman who easily counted 3 "greats" back.  As I walked a few steps ahead of the woman and her envious conversation I reminded myself that it's not about the length of the lineage line, but about the amount of impact the heritage has had.  I picked up my pace, escaped the begrudging behavior and went ahead on my path.

April 4, 2012

Fear + Fear = Fear Destroyed

Fear is one one of those things that takes on great forms.  Most of the time it hides in the darkest of corners, and becomes ambiguous by disguising itself with beautifully adorned costumes.  In this place it begins to grow arms and legs, and eventually it just starts walking with you hand-in-hand.  Fear in this form may become un-recognizable because it does not take on the normal characteristics of fear.  Maybe you're angry because no one sees your pain, but the reality is that you're to afraid to let anyone see you cry.  Or maybe you're frustrated with the people you've been dating, but in reality you're afraid to find and/or be loved. Perhaps you feel stagnant, but the reality is that you're afraid of moving into the ever-changing, scary, unforeseen and unpredictable future.  If you have allowed fear to grow in certain areas of yourself, work hard to up-root it.  Dig deep into your emotions, sift through your thoughts, and take notes of your actions.   Fear is destroyed by doing exactly what you're afraid to do, so don't let fear in any shape or form manifest in your life. 

January 31, 2012

Stop Passively Waiting

Waiting is an active state of being.  A common verb most recognized in it's passive state, being used to demonstrate how one allows something else to perform an action in their life.  In this passive form waiting is silent, non-mobile and powerless.  Re-examine the relationship between yourself and waiting.  Take control of your life, and start actively waiting.